‘I’m a 102-Year-Old Holistic Medicine Specialist, and I Still Ride My Adult Tricycle. Here Are My 6 Secrets to Staying Healthy and Active’

Well+Good.com has recently featured Dr. Gladys McGarey in a lovely article in anticipation of her upcoming book, The Well-Lived Life. They discuss Dr. Gladys’ longevity tips. And who better to discuss than the centenarian herself. Rebecca Norris writes, “When we heard that she still rides her adult tricycle on the regular, we knew we had to glean some longevity tips from the centenarian. We chatted with Dr. McGarey about her daily and weekly fitness and self-care routines, and the habits she believes have afforded her a life much longer than most.”

Dr. Gladys shares her daily and weekly routines as well as deeper insight into the power of routines themselves. She likes to keep it simple saying, “In the mornings I stretch, say a prayer, eat a healthy high-fiber breakfast and a cup of coffee, and go about my day. After breakfast, she makes time to connect with others—and herself. “I check in with my friend Rose about my 10-year plan every morning, which helps me know which direction I’m going with my life.” If you’ve been thinking about changing up your routine or switching up as you age, this article has lots of great tips. Sounds like a plan!

Learn more about living long and prospering and Dr. Gladys’ six secrets to living a happy life by pre-ordering her book today for delivery May 2nd and signing up for our newsletter.  

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