Dr. Gladys McGarey

A 102-Year-Old MD Shares The 3 Longevity Tips She Swears By

Longevity seems to be the topic of the day. Mindbodygreen recently interviewed Dr. Gladys on their popular podcast and cover Dr. Gladys the topic at length. She simplifies her tips and offers a holistic approach, emphasizing the need for the spirit in medicine again.

Mindbodygreen has a 360-degree approach that weaves together mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of well-being. Jason Wachob is the podcast and co-founder and co-CEO.

They cover the secrets in her new book The Well-Lived Life including “Never stop moving”, “Cultivate spirituality”, and “Love yourself and others”. From the show notes: “At the end of the day, the best longevity tips don’t include any fancy gadgets or treatments. Just take it from a 102-year-old doctor: When it comes to living a happier, healthier life, you really just need the fundamentals—love, movement, and a sense of purpose.”

Dr. Gladys shares stories of her divorce and other hardships that she has learned from. Working with the lessons in life challenges and mindset is an important part of her philosophy.

The youtube video can be found here. If you’re interested in more secrets to a long, happy and healthy life, be sure to pick up a copy of The Well-Lived Life: A 102-year-old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness At Any Age today. Stay tuned to the latest news by signing up for our newsletter or following along on Instagram.

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