Dr. Gladys McGarey

Tampa Bay’s Morning Blend: 102-Year-Old Doctor Shares Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age

Dr. Gladys joined the Tampa Bay Morning Blend show to discuss her new book, The Well-Lived Life. We’re delighted she had the opportunity to share with the world what she’s learned and the message behind her book. Below are a few words of wisdow from Dr. Gladys from the chat.

“These six secrets are ways in which people can grasp the reality of what life gives them and these are things that I think are real, but the really important part of all of this is that you have to have something to live for. And for most, it’s so easy to lose that juice, to lose the way in which we’re reaching for things. So if you get stuck in a dark place, I advise you not to decide that that’s the end of it all. Because all you need to do is to start looking for the light because light never goes away. It just gets hidden.”

As a reflection of Mental Health Awareness Month (May), Dr. Gladys describes what it’s like to live in that dark place but to never give up hope and find the light when it’s hidden. Many people experience this. Dr. Gladys. “The thing is, we get so frightened and damaged by the stuck-ness that we don’t realise that and we don’t even hear it. We won’t hear it unless we’re listening for it. We won’t see it unless we’re looking for it. So the big advice is look for light, look for the juice that you can use to allow yourself to sing.” Beautifully said!

When asked about her proudest moment, Dr. Gladys states, “I’m very proud of my children. And the fact that I’m a mother and a grandmother and a great grandmother. That is huge. But I’m also proud of the fact that I was able to catch hold of the essence of what medicine is all about. It’s not about killing and getting rid of disease and pain. It’s about learning from them. And living a life that allows you to see that everything in life as a teacher. You can learn something from everything that happens to you.”

The Well-Lived Life is out now, available on audiobook, ebook, or hardcover online. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to stay up-to-date with Dr. Gladys’ book tour, book club details, and releases across the global market. You can also follow her on Instagram for more fun online!

More can also be found on ABCnews.com and her feature story there.

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