Timeline of Dr. Gladys' Life
Dr. Gladys is born Gladys Louise Taylor.
At the age of 8 she learned it's better to get people to smile and laugh with you, rather than at you.
Left India for Muskingum College in the United States at age 16.

Entered Women’s Medical College. She is pictured here at a school lunch with other senior students.

Married Bill McGarey.
Gladys was the only female resident in her hospital, with no dressing room or sleeping quarters she slept on a examining table. She was also pregnant while doing her residency.

Graduated from Women’s Medical College. Gladys is pictured in the second row from the top on the far left.

Her first child of six is born in 1946, and her last child is born in 1960. She is pictured here with her children in 1954.
First medical practice in Wellsville, Ohio.
The family moved to Phoenix, Arizona.
Gladys and Bill built their first medical campus, The Olive Tree Medical Group.
After a trip to Israel, they decide to rename the campus The ARE Clinic, the only medical clinic based on the work of Edgar Cayce.
Gladys began the Academy of Parapsychology movement in the early 1970s.
Held the first symposia in the U.S. on acupuncture at Stanford University.
Gladys co-founded the American Holistic Medical Association.

Original publication of her first book, titled Born to Live.
Created The Gladys Taylor McGarey Medical Foundation, now known as the Foundation for Living Medicine.
Gladys goes through a divorce and decides to start over. She created the Scottsdale Holistic Medical Group with her daughter Helene.

Gladys travels to Tibet at the invitation of Carl Taylor, founder of the Johns Hopkins University Global health Initiative, to teach students.

Gladys wrote and published The Physician Within You.

Published new edition of Born to Live.

Published Living Medicine: The Dwelling Place.
Co-authored The World Needs Old Ladies with Eveline Horelle Dailey.

Biography published: Born to Heal by daughter Analea McGarey.

Published Living Medicine: Beyond Holistic Medicine with Ann McCombs, DO.
She completes her first major literary contract: The Well-Lived Life.

The Well-Lived Life: Published in 25+ countries, 14 languages and counting; more than 200 interviews, including a major feature article with the Wall Street Journal and the Sunday London Times.

The Well-Lived Life is released in a paper-back version.