Doctor, 102, who still works and has a 10-year plan offers simple tips for long life

We are thrilled to see has featured Dr. Gladys McGarey and her new book in a recent article about her 10-year plan. This piece covers some of the secrets found in her new book, The Well-Lived Life. While we’re not shocked that Dr. Gladys is still consulting on holistic medicine and has a 10-year plan, we love that she’s sharing her secrets with the world every day.

Dr. Gladys has lived a lot of life. The article reads, “As a physician and holistic medicine pioneer, McGarey has plenty of wisdom to share after a long life that’s provided lots of joy, but also many setbacks along the way. She’s a cancer survivor, endured the death of a daughter and went through a divorce when she was almost 70.” Despite these events, she knows there are lessons in every one of these setbacks. Learning from them has been a big key to her longevity. Her secret? Everything is your teacher.

She is also a big fan of movement. Moving your body is how you stay active, fit, youthful, and keep your mind alive. Dr. Gladys is known to walk 3,800 steps her day, up from 1,500 per day not long ago. Energy that gets stuck in the body can lead to emotional and physical distress so Dr. Gladys recommends getting outside and going for a walk every single day. “Become aware you’re stuck and look for the path out — you’ll find it, but only when you start searching, she says. Look for light, love and hope. It’s important to avoid getting stuck on a physical level as well, so McGarey walks every day. She’s worked up to a daily goal of 3,800 steps, which she accomplishes with the help of a walker.” writes A. Pawlowski from

If you’re interested in more secrets to a long, happy and healthy life, be sure to pick up a copy of The Well-Lived Life: A 102-year-old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness At Any Age today. Stay tuned to the latest news by signing up for our newsletter or following along on Instagram.

Gladys’s interview from has also syndicated to Hindustan TimesDNA India, and Albawaba.

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