Dr. Gladys McGarey

Psychology Today: Devastated by Divorce at 70, but Thriving at 102

Divorce! It’s not a fun, happy topic but a very real one. Psychology Today, the world’s largest mental health and behaviour science destination online, has covered the topic quite a bit. Ann Gold Buscho, Ph.D. covers Dr. Gladys McGarey’s story online with plenty of helpful tips for those going through or in the midst of divorce times in their life.

After 46 years of marriage, at the age of 70, Dr. Gladys was dealing with the ugliness of divorce, which practicing medicine and running a business. As Ann writes, “People who divorce later in life face unique difficulties.” From financial stress to family dynamics, the later-in-life-event takes a toll on the mental wellness of ageing adults in a distinctive way.

The Dr. Gladys we know is incredibly resilient and found her footing. She wrote books, continued her practice and even spoke at TEDxScottsdaleWomen at the age of 100. The article summarises the key takeaways according to Dr. Gladys beautifully:

  • Face the hardships and challenges with acceptance, knowing that you have your own strength to overcome obstacles.
  • Remember that there were times and memories of the marriage that you can treasure. Dr. McGarey went so far as to get a new license plate: BE GLAD.
  • Use the difficulties and problems as learning opportunities. Perhaps you will surprise yourself with your ability to overcome them.
  • If you have a faith tradition, draw on the strengths that your faith offers. The power of love is mightier than the power of anger/grief/worry/hopelessness.
  • Commit to your activities with passion, whether you are still working, volunteering, or have interests and hobbies you enjoy.
  • Don’t give up or become hopeless. Make each day the best you can, forgive yourself if you have a bad day, and remember that acceptance will come with time.
  • Embrace gratitude and hope in the face of hard times.

If you or someone you know is struggling with divorce, please consider seeking professional assistance for your mental health and wellness as well as to close family, relatives and friends. We hope you find the lesson in the hardship.

If you’re interested in more insighs to a long, happy and healthy life, be sure to pick up a copy of The Well-Lived Life: A 102-year-old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness At Any Age today. Stay tuned to the latest news by signing up for our newsletter or following along on Instagram.

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